Thursday, June 24, 2010


ok so i decided to move this mixpod thing over to this blog cuz i want to listen to something when i'm on my page scrolling up and down highlighting the words over and over again hahaha i really love run-on sentences idk why maybe it's nice to read this without pausing and breathing woohoo i think we should get rid of punctuation

k point is, initially i wanted to edit the playlist and take some songs out budden i heard the SPEND ALL YOUR TIME WAITING and decided that it's too awesome to be taken off so i'll leave it there and i'm tempted to put yoyoyoyo on the playlist so that we can have a sing-along session here but it'll just ruin the classiness of everything so i'll not

and i'm over that 'on the wings of love' song cuz that season of 'the bachelor' ended a long time ago and they broke up just like what everybody expected. HAHAHA i know that reality shows like this are trashy and staged and unclassy and whatever. but it's freaking entertaining so i'm still watching 'the bachelorette' now hahaha can't wait for the next episode tbh. if you don't read the details behind the production then i think it's fine but if you do then you'll see how inhumane and perverse the producers are and then lose faith in humanity all together HAHAHA

and wow it's thursday already i'm so unprepared and the thought of going back to school irks me

attempted to insert some peektures but nothing suitable to add boooo