Wednesday, June 30, 2010


this is a not so serious poast so yay everybardeh can enjoy this sighhh idk why i'm here i should be studying but ok maybe cuz i feel the need to record this date oh maybe not today but yesterday 29 june 2010 cuz it was a disastuh and a tragedy i've never experienced this in my life evah before but i guess there's a first time for everything and so my first was yesterday

Thursday, June 24, 2010


ok so i decided to move this mixpod thing over to this blog cuz i want to listen to something when i'm on my page scrolling up and down highlighting the words over and over again hahaha i really love run-on sentences idk why maybe it's nice to read this without pausing and breathing woohoo i think we should get rid of punctuation

k point is, initially i wanted to edit the playlist and take some songs out budden i heard the SPEND ALL YOUR TIME WAITING and decided that it's too awesome to be taken off so i'll leave it there and i'm tempted to put yoyoyoyo on the playlist so that we can have a sing-along session here but it'll just ruin the classiness of everything so i'll not

and i'm over that 'on the wings of love' song cuz that season of 'the bachelor' ended a long time ago and they broke up just like what everybody expected. HAHAHA i know that reality shows like this are trashy and staged and unclassy and whatever. but it's freaking entertaining so i'm still watching 'the bachelorette' now hahaha can't wait for the next episode tbh. if you don't read the details behind the production then i think it's fine but if you do then you'll see how inhumane and perverse the producers are and then lose faith in humanity all together HAHAHA

and wow it's thursday already i'm so unprepared and the thought of going back to school irks me

attempted to insert some peektures but nothing suitable to add boooo

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



I was in that uniform in 2004, and 2002. 

Monday, June 14, 2010


Yo, yo everybardeh
jsyk, i'm back in SG already ooohohoho. I have nothing to share so I'm going to post peektures cuz this blog lacks peektures. yeah. And if you didnt know alr, I'm not on facebook already so I dunch know where to post peektures cuz I'm reluctant to upload my peektures here. SUGGESTIONS ANYBARDEH?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

MRAZ is da man

HI EVERYBARDEH please watch this cuz it's so awesome. okay no actually it's not exactly THAT awesome, i just posted this to share the lulz cuz i'm dying from controlling my laughter.

OKAY So i chanced upon this video and i decided to stop to watch cuz i like them both. And then while waiting for the video to load, i scrolled down for the comments as usual.

I SAW THIS "couldnt understand what she does with her legs ? jogging ?"
then the video loaded and i almost died HAHAHAHAHA LOL DROWNING
if you didnt laugh then most probably it's cuz we're v different and so i don't think we're even friends.

also, i went to search for sg's version cuz i heard from my sista that joi chua sang w him last yr. erm i watched and had so much second-hand embarrassment that i clicked the back button a few seconds through the song. i like joi chua, and her vocals are awesome, no problem with that. but- there was something on her dress like OMG I FEEL RLY BAD FOR HER BUT HAHA IT'S OVER for like 1 year plus alr so hmmmm just sayin.

you can check it out if you want to laugh at her but i think that it's very mean and evil so i hope you won't do that. plus, she's from my secondary school so i'll dislike you if do.

oh- i digressed again. this poast is supposed to be about my love for mraz. his voice captivates me and i want to see him perform live next time. so he is da man. yup.

Monday, June 7, 2010


I completed my cheenese compo and I deliberately included the night monsters in it. idk why, but i just thought that they were worth mentioning.

Anw, I just browsed thru my archives from 2005-2007 and I can't even- bleagh, it's so unlike me nao. HAHAHA YES I'M V ASHAMED AND EMBARRASSED cuz i mentioned S.H.E in basically every poast and use XD like it's a punctuation XD

"晚上一个人大字形地躺在双人床上,翻来覆去睡不着,伴着她聊天的是深夜的怪物。虽然说是怪物,但她从来不觉得它们是什么魑魅魍魉,反而视他们为无所不谈的知己。在这让许多人的害怕的黑暗世界里,她一点不安的情绪都没有,反而享受着黑夜带给她的归属感。漫长的黑夜里她并不孤单, 反而是快乐的。"

but it's pretty much the opposite in reality. they're stabbing me in the heart, over and over again. stupid monsters. K IT'S 3AM NOT A VERY GOOD SIGN cuz I'M SCREWING UP MY SLEEPING HABITS. All grozziegal's fault.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Xiao long bao.

Hi today I went to shanghai for xiaolongbao.

OH AND JUST NOW I WAS SO TEMPTED TO EAT THE APRICOT BITS IN MY LUX BODY SHAMPOO. but obviously i didnt cus i'm still sane. ha.

actually i've got nothing to say about xiaolongbao. i'm just waiting for somebadeh to poast something for me to read cus i'm really v bored. and i wanted to type this in chinese cuz i was writing my chinese compo jn. eh eh, there's nothing else i can say.

oh i finally figured out my internet sms pw so i smsed artisticautism from here!!!! kewl right. yes. and G-G wants a shoutout to her. hi lynette.

i think the chinese compo sucked everything out of me. i feel so weird and empty rn. k obvs i'm not in the mood to blog HAHAHAHAHAHA BYE. but she's not done yet. oh so naosy. i need better entertainers D:

k in the mean time i shall talk about xlb. sigh but it's not interesting. oh gr8 i still have to wait for 7mins more. hi everybody plz blog so at least i'll have something to do. and i'm using china's twitter replica, don't judge me and join mehhhhh :)

omg i totally waited for almost an hour alr, good thang i have ontd :) i'm so naice.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

No,I'm not disporting myself.


Anw i just searched for liulianxiaoxing cuz i was telling kangz about its cuteness, then after reading the descriptions i changed my opinion about it being cute. HAHAHA the description ruined it for me!!! but i bought the liulianxiaoxing pin :|

"Little Durian Star is a five-year-old Singaporean boy who travels around the world with his parents, who are musicians. "
tell me that you're embarrassed! how the hell is this related.

"Little Durian Star is nuts about durians, but they're not readily available in the places his family travels to. To help her poor son who's always thinking about the pokey fruit all day long, Little Durian Star's mum made him a delightful little costume. And now Little Durian Star looks like a little Durian. Wherever he goes, this little king of fruits makes other children green with envy! "
HAHAHA SERIOUSLY? I'm alws thinking about mangoes so i think my mummy should make a mango suit just fer meh. I'm sure the other children will go green w envy if i walk out and look exactly like a mango!!! :) proud to be a yellow mango ;)

"His favourite activity includes drawing pictures of durians under the cool shade of a palm tree. "
LOL DROWNING DROWNING yes i think of mangoes everyday so obviously i draw mangoes everytime- under a palm tree!

read moar atrocities here:

k this amuses me to no end. HAHAHAHA SO FUNNEHHHHHHH!!!!
k maybe it's not, idk, it's getting late.

Friday, June 4, 2010


I'm proud to be a chinese. Yellow and red are both my fav colors right now. just like the two colors on the china flag.
I am wearing my yellow threadless tshirt w a red print on it, a red shorts that my mama bought fer me and later i'll put on my yellow socks w my red converse shoes.
k j/k HA. I just like yellow and red, not because of china of cuz! hahaha.

oh btw that chunks talked to me ystd. and artisticautism. i'm so touched. crying rn
i think this is my first time mentioning chunks in my blog, since last year whoooots? he must be the same nao, touched and crying rn

and i think people born in the year 1993 are childish ttm, k not gg to generalise, maybe it's just the people i know.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Just when I was alr getting over the fact that I'm not able to tweet, that tehsee had to make me depressed again by telling me that she 'opened' her twitter already. I KEPT CLICKING THE ACCEPT BUTTON BUT THAT FREAKING WEBSITE JUST WON'T ALLOW ME TO. The worst thing is that I can see people's tweet but I can't tweeeeeeeeeet. and the fonts are so big and ugly i feel like destroying them.

this post is dedicated to tehsee cus she's v nice, she entertained me for like 2 minutes before she went offline. (f)(f)(f) many many flowers for her despite the fact that her humor level's basically negative! unlike that GG-limchin, online alr like never online. i kinda like tehsee despite her weirdness right now. on the other hand, limchin is just v G. and i'll not prefer her.

oh and i almost forgot tehsee's surname is chiam!! hahaha. i thought she's limtehsee or smth. and i forgot her cheenese name...chiam something something. i rmb got yun! issit huiyun? tell me if i'm right tehsee. don't whole life appear offline. wink wink.

i think i am right. yay.

as you can see, i'm v bored right here so please entertain me thx.

and wts i can't add pictures. i searched for lady gaga's teacup for 40minutes just to link teh and tea. D:


I found another reason to justify the change of my url. Whenever I come to my own blog, I'll miss out the dash and then be shocked for like 3 seconds before I realise that I'm on the wrong blog. I JUST DID THAT and I'm so tired of being shocked. Unless it's by pikachewwwww, then it's a different thing!!

OH BTW I'm not going to vent my anger or anything here cuz as I said in the previous post, I'm in communist land!! I'll be in danger any time. MUAHAHA. SO I'LL TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT WHEN I GET BACK. k so just for an update, I went for the world expo thing, twice. and I went on MOUNT PUTUO, and that day I just felt miserable. but now I'm back in my father's cosy apartment, waiting to shop and eat and shop and eat plus sleep and watch tv and sleep and watch tv! Life sounds so fun right here. oh! and my aunt's here to be our cook HAHAHAHA so I'll have food to eat alws.

brb I'm beezeh enjoying life, don't be jealouz.
but sometimes I may get bored, so please come online to pleh w me!!! wink wink.

PS:artisticautism please contact me!!!!! I didnt reply your message cuz i cheapskate, but why arent you online? :(