Sunday, October 28, 2012

live laugh love

why does this font look so ugly on windows?

if only things weren't so complicated then maybe i probably would consider trying to go for it. ha who am i kidding, i would go for it in a heartbeat

but no.

live laugh love, folks

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

one more

okay one more person to tell before I'm done with this shittttttt. :)

and then JUDGE ME ALL YOU WANT OKAY it's not like I can do anything about it SHRUGSSSS.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


life is a rollercoaster yay now i'm feeling fine again

i think it's just because of the speech module boohoo but yay it's over ONE MORE LEFT HEHE I CAN'T BELIEVE I WENT THROUGH ALL THESE :')

anyway i just came across jayesslee's cover of payphone when i was browsing youtube and and and officially missing you will still always be my favourite cover because ahhh memories :') oh tomorrow's uniform day! nyjc i love you :) not really a fan of the uniform though

i wanted to borrow a cooler uniform then i remembered that most of my closer friends were from ny. ahhhh.

if i could take 'a' levels all over again,

Sunday, October 7, 2012

uni life

it isn't the greatest but before i start complaining about it i shall document it with some happy pictures?

Friday, October 5, 2012

orh hor

oh wait before i orh hor myself happy birthday papa omg despite his little little flaws he's sucha great man he's so handsome and shitz i just thanked him for doing all kinds of shit for our family all these years and he texted back saying that that's what he's supposed to do omg :') tearing

i texted 'cause he's in thailand and it's so weird to say face to face hahahaha but really i'm very thankful for every single member in my family they're so nice to me what did i do to deserve them tearing again :') i'm a lucky little shit :') sometimes i'd get annoyed by really little things that they do but i love them a lot like really i'm grateful and i hope they know that i really do appreciate it a lot i love them omg tearing :') even though they treat me like an ignorant little shit sometimes and think that i'm incapable of anything :'( which makes me annoyed and sad because i do know some things...but there are some truths in that i can't blame them for thinking that way...all my life i've been telling them i just wanna earn like $1000 per month hahaha or recently i've been asking my dad to set up a business when he retires so i wouldn't have to worry about finding a job...or persuading my sister to open a cafe after graduating for the same reason. basically i just want to leech off them omg why am i like that :'( sigh they're so nice to me and when anything happens i know i have a safety net hearts omg blogger screwed up my post can't remember what i originally typed something like i may hate people hate school hate life but i'll love them 5eva hehe

and finally....

yes orh hor myself i did something wrong don't judge please folks it's not wrong as in wrong wrong but wrong as in eww wrong

butttttt i'm not hating myself for it because it was an experience i guess hahaha omg i'm sucha positive human being. please come to me folks i'll bring you rainbows and sunshine all the time

yesterday was an....eventful day. had project meeting from morning to evening i'm so gonna regret everything i did in the video for shureeeeee but blah whatevs since it's over oreri. then after that i went to meet up with two people who missed me a lot aww hahahhaahahahahaha and i'm so happy to learn something and know that my instinct was once again CORRECTO. good job van. but someone else was happier i'm looking at you gohchewew her face was omg stupiak. after dinner was

bleh bleh bleh

i'm such an asshole i'm going to dress up as an asshole for halloween

0 <<<<< me.

i love my friends who accept me for the 0 that i am
thank you for judging me but still loving me awwwwwww

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

exercise books

oh my hahaha i was finding an exercise book to practise my jap then i found lotsa interesting stuff

basically i can never go past 10 pages of an exercise book.

as for keeping a written diary, it's never going to happen. there's this 'diary' that started off with me promising that i would commit to keeping a diary on the 1st of october 2009. after 5 days there were no more entries. then on the 17th of october i had this entry with illegible shitty handwriting hating myself because i didn't keep to my promise so i told myself i would do it and i'm willing to. but that was the last entry on my exercise book hahahahaha c'est la vie. this happens with all of my diaries/blogs. i have so manyyyyy but i don't commit myself to anyyyy.

for those with notes on them, they last a little longer. maybe 10 pages? then i'll see something with a heading and then a blank page follows. how did i ever study for anything?

and yes i got distracted again. sigh i've learnt to accept myself for who i am.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Dear Diary,

I have a diary. I started writing on the first day of University because I wanted to document my life and improve my writing. But I think I'm missing the point because I don't really write down every single detail of whatever happened in that week, due to my paranoia.

What can I do? Should I just do a recount of everything that happens? Then when I read in it future I'll think back about how I felt at that moment. But what if someone sees it? Hmm. I should just be more careful with it. Yep, recounting it is. That was what I did with my secondary school blog. Today I went to...blah blah...something happened...I felt happy. Something like that.

YEP just did my diary entry for the day omg it took so long to finish. Recounting isn't easy! But I guess it'll be a good read for the future me! Also for the future me I should write down a fact about myself everyday.