Saturday, September 15, 2012

Physical Appearance

This week's 201 lecture was engaging and entertaining. I always found non-verbal communication to be much more intriguing than verbal, so I've already read about the things she mentioned, but it was still interesting to have an insight of what my schoolmates thought.

About physical appearance...does physical appearance matter to me? Yes, yes it does. I know I always stress that I'm not superficial so let me explain myself.

I am fascinated by beauty. I love facial features and I love noses. I don't know if we are predisposed to finding certain proportions attractive, or socialised into thinking that some things are more attractive than the others, but I do get attracted by some people more than the others. Sometimes there's this magical pull when you look at a certain someone and you feel a connection immediately, and it makes you question whether it's physiognomy. That's the initial drive that makes me want to talk to someone. But I wouldn't anyway because I'm me, so what's the point. So it only matters to me in a way in which I'll feel like talking to you. But yknow, feel like talking isn't really talking.

However, I don't base my judgements of a person on his or her physical appearance alone. There are some people who most find pretty/handsome, but I don't really feel the same. On the other hand there are some who objectively speaking, isn't really that pretty, but they are beautiful and irresistible to me. Maybe I've subconsciously taken their personalities into consideration.But then again, that might just be the way they portray themselves to a crowd so I normally decide whether I would want to know this person more after I really get to communicate with them on a personal basis. Having a good personality makes all the difference. My attraction for someone would instantly grow if they share my views and have certain qualities, even if they aren't physically appealing to me. I really think that their good inner qualities would manifest themselves physically and somehow they'll look beautiful to me suddenly and it's inexplicable. So...normally how would I know whether I'm attracted to someone? I know it when I feel the urge to chew on their faces and lick them all over. HAHAHA.

In conclusion, I don't think that attraction is based on physical appearance. It's a combination of factors. Physical appearance can only go as far as making me want to talk to you but not really talking so it doesn't matter just come and talk to me and be nice I love nice people hohoho.