Sunday, July 25, 2010


psk is not like tsk. you can't pronounce psk so dont be stupid and try to pronounce it.
but still- you have the choice of trying cus YOUR LIFE YOUR RULES. k so psk is an acronym for primary school kid and i came up with this acronym cus recently i've been using this 3 words quite oft. SO. i realised that ppl born in 1993 behave like primary school kids cus they're immature, childish and puerile teehee ya that's all.

so i should end my post here cus the title is psk and if i drone on further it'll be irrelevant and out of point and i dont like that cus i alr did that for my myes. OH DEPRESSING STUFF K SHOULDNT TALK ABOUT RESULTS OR MYES ANYMORE

AND IF YOU HAVENT REALISED, i like to use and but so and but so so and but but so and cuz they sound nice and and and so i like to use them but sometimes it doesnt make sense but it doesnt matter so i'll continue to start every sentence with and but or so cuz they're awesome.

and i wanted to draw something to decorate this post to make it riveting but sorry not very free so ya

and i snicker a little when i see "then" and "than" used wrongly. or "you" instead of "your". etc etc. hehehehe v amusing v amusing! YOUR WITHOUT R IS NEVER NOT FUNNY K. if youdgi then you're probably not my fwen.

and i think i'm really an awesome friend.