Friday, May 25, 2012

hmm, might as well.

my job is so boring idk how anyone could get past a month. well i'm getting there tho, just a day and a week more. gogogo van. got my first pay slip a week ago i think and ohhhhh the satisfaction. but okay i gave more than half away to my sister 'cause i had to pay for my gaga tickets, yes tickets with an s hohoho. back to what i was saying, i don't think i'd ever get a job just for the pay because omg you don't live your life like this. if you're not enjoying your job in the morning you'd just be counting down to lunch, then after lunch you'd be counting down to the end of the day, and the whole time you'd be counting down to the end of the week, the end of the month, the end of the year and when does it really end? at least for now i'm only counting down to next friday. but it already feels like a whole decade. so how do people do it? i ask people why they do what they do for a living, and whether it's what they wanted to do itfp, and most of the answers are no. so i ask them why. most of them are providers for their families, so the income had to come from somewhere. these are noble, noble people. there's no way i'm going to give up my dream just for my kids. shrugs, people live their lives the way they want to, and it all boils down to what you feel is important in your life i guess. i can't understand, but this doesn't negate its value. still don't think i'd ever understand. it's your life. i might lol@your life but it's still yours.

speaking of which i don't think i'm one to judge quickly, i personally think i'm open to a lot of things, but apparently i can't stand certain things in my life. disliking something, is this a choice or is this involuntary. i guess it's largely involuntary, i don't think you can choose to dislike something, like i dislike celery, i just do, it's not because i actively choose to dislike it. is this the same issue? can it be compared at all? idk. but anw if you dislike something unconsciously, it still speaks volume about who you are isn't it? yepppppp. does disliking stupidity make me a horrible human being? but then again my definition of stupid isn't like you do badly in school so you're stupid. it's just some people's way of thinking, no one in particular, just in general, they irk me. some times i'll see a comment, or i'll look at people on the streets then i'll ask whyyyyyyyy. oh, look at my judgmental eyes. but come on everyone's judgmental. i've believed in this since forever, even when they preached the DON'T JUDGE bullshit.

anw, i'm kinda excited for's like a brand new beginning, and i love beginnings, starting over, throwing away everything etc etc. idk, i just really like changes. but otoh i still wanna be a leech at home. if it wasn't for the jung i wouldn't even feel guilty about spending too much money and go to work. i'm running away to china again soon, haven't been there in like 2 years and that's pretty unusual for me, given that we usually visit china at least once a year. it'd be summer this time though, unlike the usual winter that i like. summer would mean sweat, sweat errrrrrywhere, ugh sounds gross but i'm actually looking forward to it this time. not the sweat of course, but again, the idea of running away to another country where nobody can find me. doesn't it sound appealing? plus xiaolongbao yumz.

can you believe it, i'm going to be 20 this year.

lol@this whole post, so disjointed and crappy. ahh yes i'm feeling crappy. probably should type some shit at work tomorrow to kill time, since my workplace doesn't have internet and the computer's running on windows xp. can't run away either, unless i run to malaysia.