Monday, January 24, 2011


I shaved my eyebrows!!!

Haha kidz I went to pluck my eyebrows and it was damn painful and they were crying for help. One more post down I'm quite happy. School's good so far but I hope I'll pay attention to rhe lecturers/tutors in school. Yupz. Touch rug's kinda fun got pe tmr I'm quite happy hoho. But I hate it when my fringe fly up irritating ttm. My muscles are aching I think I'm exercising too much whole life nothing to do then walk around and find candies SIGH shouldn't do that anymore!!! Should sit down and study HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE wow suddenly feel like I'm in church again. Hohoho I think I say hohoho too much I'm not even Santa claus. But hoho is a nice word. Is it even a word? I don't really care. If your surname's ho I'll probably like you a lot. But not if your name's kristy. Hohoho. Grow grow grow. Not making sense anymore. Kkkkk so the point of this post is to tell myself to FOCUS In school. Out of point ttm but whatever. Goodnight.