Friday, July 27, 2012

school stuff

i think i need to start writing some legit stuff because i've forgotten how to construct a proper sentence with fullstops and similar...stuff omg did i just use stuff twice OH SHIT I DID what's happening anw i heard from people that my school is kinda competitive so well all the best to me i think i'll just curl up into a big ball and die. what am i going to do with my essays? i'm going to be competing with all the...never mind i'll just compete with myself :):):) as for the roommate part, the excitement is over dun dun dun I'VE GOT A ROOMMATE! she's a friend of my friend. who technically is a friend of my friend. so she's a friend's friend's friend. how cool is that.

on a completely unrelated note, do you think that you'll be able to find someone who completely understands everything you're feeling? by everything i mean beliefs, life philosophies and things like that. it's not difficult to find people who can laugh and play with you, but to find someone who could empathise with your views easily, without having you to explain...that feeling must be magical. kinda similar to "how do you find camp" "oh...hmm okay i'm not really a camp person." "OMG ME TOO" but something deeper. do you call them soul mates? do you believe in them? i do, but maybe there isn't one for everybody. i don't usually share my views/thoughts with people, maybe because if i do and if i don't get the response that i want, then i'd get disappointed and i'd rather save myself from that. wait...i did try with some people, and yep, no. even though i myself am open to being convinced by logical arguments, i don't believe in convincing people because i believe in the quote "people will believe in whatever they want to believe" the original quote was somewhere along the lines of this, but cooler. i can't remember my favourite quote ugh FAIL. but i do enjoy conversations with open minded people, it's cathartic. open minded people aren't easy to find though.