Friday, July 27, 2012

school stuff

i think i need to start writing some legit stuff because i've forgotten how to construct a proper sentence with fullstops and similar...stuff omg did i just use stuff twice OH SHIT I DID what's happening anw i heard from people that my school is kinda competitive so well all the best to me i think i'll just curl up into a big ball and die. what am i going to do with my essays? i'm going to be competing with all the...never mind i'll just compete with myself :):):) as for the roommate part, the excitement is over dun dun dun I'VE GOT A ROOMMATE! she's a friend of my friend. who technically is a friend of my friend. so she's a friend's friend's friend. how cool is that.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


why do i always type long posts and end up deleting them. i clearly have issues and things to hide.