Sunday, April 22, 2012


In life there will be times that require us to make decisions, even though it's not our own decision to have to make a decision. Should I sacrifice sharing for the sake of my privacy? Should I sleep now or should I type drivel? Should I write this like a GP essay? Should I continue with 'should I's? No matter how insignificant they are, these are all decisions to be made. As I get older, I realise that the ramifications of my decisions are now greater, and some will even dictate my future. This would probably mean that I would have to be more responsible for my own decisions. But I hate responsibility.

I used to be more insouciant and followed my instincts for almost everything, which is why I could make decisions easily, but nowadays I find myself holding back on certain things. I've completed the last stage of my driving course a week ago, but initially tbh, I was reluctant to learn driving, not because I wouldn't like to drive in future. Driving is a useful skill and it would be beneficial for both my family and I because it would mean that there would be one more member in the family who could drive, and I could chauffeur them when the time asks for it, plus I hate squeezing on public transports. Eventually I decided to learn driving, and driving would also mean that I'VE BECOME A RESPONSIBLE ADULT AND I MUST CHECK MY LEFT AND RIGHT BLIND SPOT, PRACTISE DEFENSIVE DRIVING, BE 100% ALERT, NOT ROLL-BACK, NOT MOUNT/STRIKE THE KERB (FOR NOW). IT'S ALSO POSSIBLE TO KILL SOMEONE WITH THAT MACHINE. In short, the consequences are dire if I don't handle this properly.