Friday, June 14, 2013

Thank you.

I'm actually a very passionate human being with a lot to say about important issues but my ambitions are tremendously hampered by my laziness.

I read, then I get angry...but then I go to sleep. I guess I'm choosing to escape instead of being overwhelmed by the negativities. I'd like to think that I have the ability to ignore these issues if I don't actively participate in the discussions or speak out about it. But I don't. I still care very much about them, hence the need for me to read up about them constantly.

But what's the point of getting angry quietly without carrying my anger over to action?

Perhaps I'm just using my laziness as an excuse; I'm just not bold and not courageous enough to fight for anything. That is why I truly admire people who stand up for our rights. Thank you so much for fighting. You give me hope for the world. I'm not a leader, but definitely a supporter.

About the MDA's latest licensing regime for websites, most of us Singaporeans would just sit back and accept it's Singapore and people just don't think about resisting anything. Ha, I'm guilty of that too. I was all "WTF IS WRONG WITH THE GOVERNMENT" when my sister told me about this but then I quickly accepted it and said "oh well what can we do right, it's Singapore. Then when she said "there are people calling for a retraction of the license so we can still see how it goes", I was all like "aye what's the point, they're still going to implement it anyway."Then she said something that I thought was SO TRUE. She said even if it doesn't work, we still need to show the government that people are unhappy, and not just accepting it without putting on a fight.

And that's why I'm so thankful for people who are bold and courageous enough to stand up against things that are unacceptable. You have no idea how grateful I am to those who are willing to fight for issues like this. They're my heroes.

I don't think I'll be able to handle...

But one day I will. Maybe. Probably. Definitely.

Also, I listened to Imagine today and I felt so sad, because the world's nowhere near that and it'd be perfect if all the imaginations were to realise.

When will these issues not be an issue anymore?